Topic: HDSPE Madi<>Ferrofish pulse 16 MX no lock

Ok, so i got some issues with this setup. The red error led is lit on the pcie card and i have no lock checking the dsp software, regardless of the fact the ferrofish is locked to the selected bitrate in the rme dsp software...and follows if i select another bitrate in the software. Ive played som tracks through logic aswell, it works. I can listen to selected tracks/channels through the ferrofish headphone jack.

Today i bought a 75 ohm wc cabel. Cant get the sync to work if i try to get the wc from the rme card....but if i do it the other way around, slave the hdspe madi against the ferrofish and it works....

Ive tried  direct out´s ma2chbox with this setup and got green light on the rme hdspe...

Whats goin on?

Re: HDSPE Madi<>Ferrofish pulse 16 MX no lock

The settings dialog shows incoming connections (MADI and Wordclock), not outgoing ones...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs


Re: HDSPE Madi<>Ferrofish pulse 16 MX no lock

If the Pulse has a sync problem in full duplex mode, then the Pulse has a sync problem in full duplex mode...

If so you should report this to Ferrofish, they will be able to fix it with a firmware update.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSPE Madi<>Ferrofish pulse 16 MX no lock

Ok, thanks for the pointers