Topic: Comparing DACs in a proper way

I want to compare my "ADI 2 PRO AE" DAC to my "STEINBERG UR824" DAC.
I wrote in another topic here that the SPL levels from the Speakers must be the same.

Mr ramses answered:
"its doable by ear comparison"

Mr MC answered:
"You could also use a test tone and some kind of SPL measuring app on your phone -
doesn't even matter if the result is exact in absolute terms..."

I have a SPL meter but this type of calibration is not at all even close to an exact calibration.
I think it must be very exact otherwise it is worthless.

I have now calibrated the outputs from both these interfaces with a multimeter and a 75Hz sinus tone
on the outputs (before the power amp) of the interfaces.

I can not swap interface from my listening position so I have to go to next room where my computer is
and swap interface in my DAW Samplitude.

I encourage You all here to compare the "ADI 2 pro" DAC to Your other interfaces in this calibrated and
proper way (You can get the test signal from the free software REW).


/Göran Nilsson


Re: Comparing DACs in a proper way

What about doing the 10 pass test and explaning the result in terms of 'transparency' for the two filter settings before starting further threads?

Matthias Carstens