1 (edited by Todd Loomis 2018-04-03 07:54:52)

Topic: Multiple cards and Cubase - major bug with sample rates???

When using multiple RME cards, the cards are getting reversed somehow.  Output routing is changing when I change sample rates.

I have 3 RME cards

Card 1 = RME AIO
Card 2 = RME HDSPe AES --> Apogee DA-16X #1
Card 3 = RME HDSPe AES --> Apogee DA-16X #2

   If I create a Cubase project at 44khz, and create a stereo output in Cubase, and route it to HDSPe AES 32 1 (2) and HDSPe AES 32 2(2), all is fine.  The signal comes out the first two outputs of Apogee DA-16X #1.

   If I change the sample rate to 192khz, the two AES cards are suddenly reversed!!!  So even though the signal is still routed the same in Cubase, the audio starts coming out the other card!  I'm getting audio out Apogee DA-16X #2!!!  But it should be coming out Apogee DA-16X #1.

   I have changed nothing other than the sample rate...  WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?  I'M LOSING MY MIND!!!  Very frustrated because I have some huge projects I'm trying to work on, and the routings are all messed up when I open projects at different sample rates.  PLEASE HELP!  I haven't tested all sample rates, but 192 is definitely the opposite of 96khz or 44khz.  It's really strange - because when the signal is reversed, RME Totalmix still shows the output on card 1, but the actual audio is actually coming out card 2 into Apogee DA-16X #2.




Re: Multiple cards and Cubase - major bug with sample rates???

Didi you assign an order in the Settingsdialog, Tab About?

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by Todd Loomis 2018-04-03 15:02:05)

Re: Multiple cards and Cubase - major bug with sample rates???

MC wrote:

Didi you assign an order in the Settingsdialog, Tab About?

   I don't remember ever changing anything there...  Also, if I did it there, why would it only be messed up at certain sample rates?

   Now that you mention it, I decided to try to experiment to try reordering the cards.  I am able to fix the problem on a per-song basis (thank you!)...   but I believe there is a bug.  The order should not change when sample rate changes...  the order should remain the same.



Re: Multiple cards and Cubase - major bug with sample rates???

We will check this (of course), but due to holidays and upcoming fairs this will take at least three weeks, sorry.

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by Todd Loomis 2018-04-04 14:43:17)

Re: Multiple cards and Cubase - major bug with sample rates???

MC wrote:

We will check this (of course), but due to hoildays and upcoming fairs this will take at least three weeks, sorry.

I understand – thanks Matthias!


6 (edited by Timur Born 2018-04-17 09:03:37)

Re: Multiple cards and Cubase - major bug with sample rates???

Did you try to switch cards in their respective PCIe slots? If not, then it's worth a shot until a possible driver fix arrives.

Do the cards switch back and forth with every sample-rate change, or only once and then stay there?


Re: Multiple cards and Cubase - major bug with sample rates???

We checked but can not reproduce this effect. We think the main problem is that the AIO card is first in line. At double sample rate 4 of its ADAT channels vanish, so in Cubase the AES channels move by 4 channels. This can be easily avoided by changing the order so the AIO is the last card in ASIO. Please try.

Matthias Carstens