Topic: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

Well, we were close! And the plan worked - releasing the firmware some time before Christmas we would be able to react early enough in case we overlooked something. Then, between Christmas and New Year, you could finally do what you always wanted to do - play around with the Pro and DAC and enjoy all its exciting and addicting functionality in full glory!

Which brings us to a small update, firmware 90 (Pro) and 25 (DAC). Here are the news:

- The new feature 'Do not Show Vol Screen' also made the Bass & Treble screen disappear. Fixed.

- Feature change: the PEQ's Q value can now be dialed up to 9.9 (instead of 5.0) in bands 1 to 3.

- DAC only: The Bit Test was shifted to the next level. Fixed.

Firmware downloads:
https://archiv.rme-audio.de/download/fu … ce_win.zip
https://archiv.rme-audio.de/download/fu … ce_mac.zip

Windows: If you need to install the driver and uninstall it again:

https://www.forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopi … 81#p135881

Enjoy and have a great time!

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

Many thanks for this update and enjoy X-mas time smile

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

Hi MC,

just updated the Firmware, RME ADI-2 PRO FS Black, and the chance to dial the Q in the EQ settings keeps being 5 as the maximum

May I be doing something wrong? :

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rUn3O- … sp=sharing



Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

No, you do it correct. The description is not accurate. The new option is only available for bands 1 to 3, mainly for bass room problems. This is a technical limitation and will not change. I will update the text.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

Understood, Thx MC

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

MC wrote:

The new option is only available for bands 1 to 3, mainly for bass room problems. This is a technical limitation and will not change.

Same reason why only band 1-3 can go below 200 Hz?


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25


Matthias Carstens

8 (edited by Nativebon 2019-03-11 12:19:06)

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

Hello Just need to find out the latest firmware version for the RME ADI-2 DAC.Form what I can see seems I currently have version V25.  I'm getting a second of sound or so cut off playing music. Not sure how to handle this.


9 (edited by dir 2019-04-16 21:43:31)

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

any news about new firmware with corrected LSB?
1 month ago we  has a test of beta version

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

dir wrote:

any news about new firmware with corrected LSB?
1 month ago we  has a test of beta version



Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

The next update will be a bigger one and is in the works. Just wait...

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25


Can I sign up for email notification of next update RME ADI-2 DAC instead of checking here?

Regards, Siemak.

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25


BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

ramses wrote:


That is only going to create a subscription to this thread not to the forthcoming thread for the upcoming firmware.

Subscribing to the entire ADI-2 Pro & DAC forum should send a notification for any newly created thread (and possibly any other posts here) but that might be a bit much if one is only interested in the creation of one particular thread.

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

True, sorry I forgot about this difference, in other subforums there is only one thread about fw upgrades.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

Check this forum regularly in the next two weeks. A new firmware should be available until then.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

Thanks guys. I didn't know it's coming soon. Can't wait smile

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

Any plans to introduce computer based software for controlling the settings on the ADI-2?

Something similar to TotalMix : )



Rme Ucx + Rme Adi-2 Dac Fs

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

Rodney_Ferguson_75 wrote:

Any plans to introduce computer based software for controlling the settings on the ADI-2?

Something similar to TotalMix : )



New ADI 2 DAC user here and i'm VERY satisfied with this excellent DA Converter BUT the UI/rotary encoder control system is very confusing... The above idea is brilliant! It would be useful if the controlling app released for ios/android devices also.

Another idea is to add 2 additional auto EQ Corrected SLOW/NOS Filters with additional equalization that kicks in only when the incoming signal is 44.1/48KHz

Best Regards


20 (edited by ramses 2019-06-01 20:56:10)

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

subcoded wrote:

Another idea is to add 2 additional auto EQ Corrected SLOW/NOS Filters with additional equalization that kicks in only when the incoming signal is 44.1/48KHz

And what exactly is that supposed to be good for?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

ramses wrote:
subcoded wrote:

Another idea is to add 2 additional auto EQ Corrected SLOW/NOS Filters with additional equalization that kicks in only when the incoming signal is 44.1/48KHz

And what exactly is that supposed to be good for?

To compensate the HF Roll Off... Read this topic: https://www.forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=26952

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

subcoded wrote:
ramses wrote:
subcoded wrote:

Another idea is to add 2 additional auto EQ Corrected SLOW/NOS Filters with additional equalization that kicks in only when the incoming signal is 44.1/48KHz

And what exactly is that supposed to be good for?

To compensate the HF Roll Off... Read this topic: https://www.forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=26952

Why don't you use the PEQ ?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

What changes will the new firmware bring?

24 (edited by crimson 2019-06-02 17:29:11)

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

Hello, (Am french, sorry for my bad english...)

Thanks a lot for this GREAT product !

Well, I just upgraded my ADI-2 DAC to the latest firmware "v25", but now... I have "a new problem" :

I use the Device Mode "Mute Line vs. Phones".
It works great with the right EQ... But since this update, I CAN'T set my Headphone to "Hi-Power" anymore, in the Phones Settings.

I still NEED this feature with my Headphones, please.
Maybe I missed something in the latest firmware v25, or is it a bug ? I hope it's not a intentional limitation added in this version !

Thanks for your help...


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

crimson wrote:

Hello, (Am french, sorry for my bad english...)

Thanks a lot for this GREAT product !

Well, I just upgraded my ADI-2 DAC to the latest firmware "v25", but now... I have "a new problem" :

I use the Device Mode "Mute Line vs. Phones".
It works great with the right EQ... But since this update, I CAN'T set my Headphone to "Hi-Power" anymore, in the Phones Settings.

I still NEED this feature with my Headphones, please.
Maybe I missed something in the latest firmware v25, or is it a bug ? I hope it's not a intentional limitation added in this version !

Thanks for your help...

Do you have Auto Ref Level disabled?

26 (edited by crimson 2019-06-02 17:51:36)

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

Finally it's OK... I solved my problem :

Since I set "Auto Ref Level" to OFF (in Phones Settings), I CAN turn on Hi-Power. This is PERFECT !

Thanks for your Help... That's right !

Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

If I may, in the manual, it's still indicated "a Q of 0.5 to 5.0" (it should be +9.9 now). smile

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables


Re: Firmware Updates ADI-2 Pro 185 / 90 and DAC 26 / 25

Good catch, thanks.

Matthias Carstens