Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I am using both  a UCX and a babyface pro (usually not at the samr time!) , everything's fine
I have only one comment when I am using the babyface pro: on Totalmix  it seems that the FX-DSP Meter does not work, it shows always 0% whatever the effects I am using, whereas it works really OK on the UCX?
Many thanks for an answer


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Try the new version 1.20 found in the TotalMix FX section of this forum.

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

OK, thanks for your swift answer, but I though that I had the up to date USB driver? Is it not the v2.10_2 in August 2015 I am using both for UCX and babyface Pro?
BTW on travel I am using more ans more the Bayface, it's really a great audio interface and what I find really marvellous is this TotalMix  common interface for all RME devices, it is so convenient!!! very well done !


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi I have just tried this new version 1.20 beta 4 Mac OSX on my macbook pro running 10.11.2 , everything works with the UCX on the USB port but when I disconnected the UCX to put the Babyface pro, the driver does not mount so I cannot use my babyface Pro anymore !
So I should revert to the previous Totalmix , I thought it was 1.20 but could I down it like I did for the beta one or should I download again the USB driver which I think contains this previous version of Totalmix?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I never experienced this problem. A simple reboot doesn't help?

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thanks again for your quick answer,  sorry it was not a problem of Totalmix at all but of but an hardware connection!
when I returned to my previous version it was the same so I thought that my most cherished babyface had a problem even being powered on by the Mac (LED were lit) , I tried to power it by my power supply I am using in stand alone mode and it was the same no driver mounted on the desktop! By chance I touch and press on the USB plug on the babyface and miracle the driver appears !
Anyway what is  a concern to me is that I pushed the USB  plug  only a 1/4 of mm to make the thing work ! i.e. with the plug only slightly out the Babyface is powered (so you think everything OK) but the USB data BUS is not !  and if this BUS connection RELIES on a contact at 1/4 mm precision there is something wrong in the electrical contact design or on my Babyface?  As former electrical engineer I would have thought was the cross section of electrical contact on the connections should be on several millimeters at least (I an not aware of the Standard on USB connectors anyway)


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Simply try a different USB cable...

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

OK but the one I am using is the one SOLD with the Babyface Pro I bought on the 7/10/2015 !
Is it faulty in such a short period of time?
I would be glad if RME could send me another USB cable ! Could be done where I bought it : Home Studio , 39/41 rue Victor Massé 75009  Paris !
Many thanks in advance


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I wonder if you missed that the USB plug at the Babyface Pro 'snaps in'. It sounds like you plugged it in but not completely. There is a groove around the connector that has to vanish into the BF housing. Sometimes it needs a bit pressure to slide in completely.

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi again! Yes you are totally right but to me it does not seem that the "snaps in" is very tight , it is not loose but I expected, according to the rme advertising, to have something more robust  as I do not see too much difference with another USB connection really...
BTW having the opportunity to speak to you I wonder if rme has the intention to sell a Babyface without DSP for a reduced price? For my personnel case I very seldom use the DSP as I could do everything within my WaveLab software, the only special feature on the Babyface I use very often is the Looback capability to record any sofware into Wavelab!
On the contrary I use a lot the Dynamics  with the UCX  for intput as well as  output in my studio.
Regards. AMG

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Ok, the unit is very nice and all, except for the fact that it has a very bad isolation when it comes to external interference noises and the fact that you can't turn the damn thing off!
Wtf RME? Where's the off button? I bought the unit only to find out that it's always on? Unless you unplug the cable that is. What were you thinking???

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

> What were you thinking???

I think you could have give it back if it disturbs you so much and buy another one instead.
When looking at other manufacturers it appears to me quite usual, that those interfaces have no power switch.
If the PC is being turned on, you work with the unit. If you turn it off, the unit is off.
If you dont want to use it for some time, you plug it off .. its an interface for mobility designed anyway.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

163 (edited by ovonisamja 2016-01-14 00:34:25)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

ramses wrote:

If the PC is being turned on, you work with the unit. If you turn it off, the unit is off.

Dude, that is the problem, it doesn't turn of! My computer shuts down, but the unit doesn't. I also have a TC Desktop Konnekt 6 which doesn't have an on/off switch, but it turns off when I turn off the computer. I don't have to unplug the cable like with Babyface!

Does anyone else have this problem? Please, people who actually want to help, and not some smart aleck like this guy.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Your computer includes settings (usually in the BIOS) to enable power share, which is currently set on, to charge phones etc. even when the PC is off. Disable that and the BF Pro will also turn off.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

Your computer includes settings (usually in the BIOS) to enable power share, which is currently set on, to charge phones etc. even when the PC is off. Disable that and the BF Pro will also turn off.

Most motherboard will leave USB ports powered on by default.

If there is an option like "EuP Ready" or just EuP in the BIOS (varies for different types of mobo) try enabling that and it should cut power to the USB ports on power-off.

It's an enrgy saving option wich is disabled by default, I think in ASUS motherboards it'c called something like "Energy Saver"

Worked for me.....Hope this helps!

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Guys, thank you for your help, I'm sorry for being stupid and not trying that thing with USB allways on option, and for calling out RME like that. I guess I deserve to be kicked in the but.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi, I just bought a Babyface Pro and wonder if you could advise on whether I should plug my external preamp (focusrite isa one without digital card) into the xlr line inputs or the unbalanced jack line inputs? Thanks :-)

168 (edited by DjSinae 2016-02-06 23:39:51)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Be.0 wrote:

Regarding Android use, I put a powered USB hub between the OTG adapter and the Babyface Pro to power it, although I'd still like to get a portable battery. I use Cyanogenmod 12.1 on my Galaxy S3. It seems to try to switch output to the Babyface Pro but something isn't quite working. I opened a bug report for CyanogenMod for this.

DjSinae wrote:

Hi i want exact same quality output for 4 channel out.. djing/live situation.. why didnt you include 4 unemplified balanced output?
(that can be set as unballanced for live use)

it's always the same stupid story.. you company never study your client usage of your card..

seriously you have to stop this stupid one stereo out /headphone out .. you can use the same dac for headphone out but you need at least 4 mono output exactly the same (balanced\unbalanced)

it should be minimun 4 perfect dac line out and one perfect headphone amp and 4input with perfect preamp

also best is 16ch input/16output adat and madi in/out on same digital channel.. so one can use the card as both a djcard/live card and a center of a studio..

this should at similar price & similar size as current babyface pro.
i dont know on what planet you live..

you could take the world studios by storm with this kind of card if extremely stable and low latency..

No need to be so aggressive. The folks at RME clearly put a lot of love into this device. Complaining that one small USB device isn't the most perfectly convenient device for your particular use case--which is a niche that this device is not marketed for--is not really helpful. There is limited physical space on the device so I don't think any more connectors could fit without making the whole thing bigger, which would make it unnecessarily bulky for the majority of users of this device.

Why not mix on your computer and send the master output straight to the PA without going through a mixer? An excellent sounding set is more important than a few seconds of dead air to switch the cables over from a mixer to a Babyface Pro. If you really want to send 4 channels to a DJ mixer, you could use XLR to RCA adapters on the Babyface Pro's main outputs and an 1/8" TRS to double RCA Y cable on the headphone output. Note that the XLR outputs are not servo balanced, so pin 3 should be left floating rather than shorted to pin 1 or there may be higher distortion and power consumption (according to the manual). This would also reduce the level by half (6 dB), but with a max output of +19 dBu, I don't think a +13 dBu signal going into a DJ mixer would be too weak of a signal.

How would 4 balanced outputs be helpful for DJing? I've never seen a DJ mixer with balanced inputs except for the microphone inputs, and that is including high end $2000+ mixers. IME they all have RCA inputs. Which, IMO, is another reason to cut it out from the signal chain. wink

reread yourself and you will understand why i'm pissed.
hehehe RME just don't care about their own customer needs..

like if we want xlr to rca special adapters/ having to balance volume for both stereo out etc.. etc.. and gain unbalanced on rca need to be equal cdj-2000 gain for christ sake.. DAH!!!.. but we still need the balanced out for the studio..

when you have 10min to plug yourself live in front of 1000p.. better have something PERFECT AND ADEQUATE for the TASK.

i had the first babyface .. the dac sucked compared to cdj-2000.. too harsh .. i hope you truly fixed that and that it's on par with pro audiofile dacs.. lot's of stuff i didnt like of that card

the only reason i'm looking into it is because your the only one with low latency, low cpu, stable drivers for windows that i would trust for a show.

now let's hope that their dac is top notch this time.. i'll compare it with pro dacs..

but yeah the fact that they didnt even take the time to understand the need of your consumers is ... WHY DO YOU THINK PEOPLE BUY THE BABYFACE PRO.. it's a portable card.. it's both for GIGS and for studio..

-- I'm not here to pat RME in the back and make them feel good about themselves.

you think we only have this to do.. write on forums.??? we are not their beta testers and product managers etc..

it's their job to do the research and work, not ours. Seriously paying so much for a product that will give me so much headache live.. it's making me mad.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

DjSinae wrote:

when you have 10min to plug yourself live in front of 1000p.. better have something PERFECT AND ADEQUATE for the TASK..

So buy a unit that is perfect and adequate for your task then: An RME UCX smile

The BF-Pro is obviously not an exact fit for your needs - so why compromise then?  Just get a UCX.  If the BF-Pro had every feature you asked for but was $300 more - would you buy it then?  (point being that features add cost; or quality can be compromised for extra features at the same cost).

RME has a whole line of interfaces - so there is nothing stopping you from looking at something other then RME's lowest cost interface for your professional needs wink 


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

170 (edited by blackcom 2016-02-07 18:21:35)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Is there any improvement to the instrument input (and converters) on the Babyface Pro compared to the original Babyface?
Would recording guitar and bass direct signals have better results with the Pro model?

Or does it have instrument inputs at all, looks like it only says "line inputs"?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

The AD converter has less noise and distortion and the impedance has been changed from 470 kOhm to 1M. But I highly doubt you would notice any difference in real world usage.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

The AD converter has less noise and distortion and the impedance has been changed from 470 kOhm to 1M. But I highly doubt you would notice any difference in real world usage.

Hvat would be the tonal difference for guitar pickups due to ohm differences?

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

What is the minimum ventilation needed for the babyface pro? Can I leave it on in my bag with just the USB and audio wires coming out?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi, just a quick question about CC mode operation.
Is there a better way to mute mic1 input quickly than rolling the input volume down?
Also, for some reason I am getting only mic1 copied to output 1/2 (copied to headphone out). Mic2 shows input level but is not appearing at output for some reason. I have phantom power on mic 1 and a dynamic mic at mic2.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

yan.white wrote:

quick question about CC mode operation.
Is there a better way to mute mic1 input quickly than rolling the input volume down?

If you use the iPad app you get an Input Mute button, but not on the unit itself.

yan.white wrote:

Also, for some reason I am getting only mic1 copied to output 1/2 (copied to headphone out). Mic2 shows input level but is not appearing at output for some reason. I have phantom power on mic 1 and a dynamic mic at mic2.

You are sure that you raised the Mix level of the right input channel?

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I am on iPhone for now, dialing the volume down manually works ok.
Yes, channel 2 is up and I am seeing the input meter lighting up!


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

My question is if you are sure that in the Mix function the right meter was flashing when trying to raise the mix volume (not the input gain). There is no reason why that shouldn't work, and it does on mine.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Ok that was it. Thanks


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

On a related note, there doesn't seem to be a way to route mono sources to both sides of a stereo output with direct monitoring from the unit! This limits the usefulness of the Babyface Pro in class compliant and stand-alone modes. I could understand how sending mono outputs would make sense when using the Babyface just for its preamps in standalone mode and sending mono outputs to a mixer, but it is awkward if the Babyface is plugged into a stereo system. This behavior doesn't make sense for the headphone output. IMO the default should be to route direct monitoring to both sides of a stereo output, with some way to control panning if mono outputs or an uneven output is desired.

I recently invited a singer to sing over my DJ set with my Babyface plugged into my laptop running GNU/Linux, but her voice was only amplified by one speaker. I could route the signal through my computer to have it go to both sides, but that would negate the benefit of direct monitor's extremely low latency. I also ran into this issue when my friend tried to test how her electric guitar would sound in headphones through the Babyface's preamp in stand-alone mode. Disappointingly, the guitar could only be heard on one side of the headphones.

I hope this issue is fixed in a firmware update.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

The on-device operation is indeed limited and will stay like it is. We spent a lot time to optimize and make it user friendly without it getting too complicated, confusing and full of too many details. What you describe calls for online operation or iPad control, and is not what stand-alone mode is intended for.

Matthias Carstens

182 (edited by Be.0 2016-02-19 20:35:09)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I understand the desire to keep the controls on the Babyface simple and not overcomplicate them, but I don't really understand what good direct monitoring to one mono channel is except for a niche use of sending the output to the line input of a mixer that doesn't have as good of a mic preamp as the Babyface. If the controls on the Babyface stayed exactly the same as they are, but mono sources were routed to both sides of the stereo outputs, that use would still be possible by just plugging one cable into the Babyface's output. The only downside would be if someone wanted to use more than one of the Babyface's preamps and control the mixing all from another mixer that the Babyface would plug into, but the levels could still be controlled on the Babyface in that case.

Using an iPad is not really an option for me because I don't have one and wouldn't have any use for one other than this really specific purpose. Also, the manual specifically says that an intended use of stand alone mode is to use the Babyface as a stand alone preamp. This shouldn't require plugging the Babyface Pro into another device to hear it on both sides of a stereo system.

There are other sound cards compatible with Linux that support direct monitoring of mono sources on stereo outputs, but I don't think any sound nearly as good as the Babyface Pro. If you don't want to add any complications to the controls on the Babyface, could you please change the firmware to make stereo direct monitoring the default when enabled from the unit? Are there any potential downsides to that other than what I already described above? I don't mind borrowing a computer running another OS for a few minutes to update firmware.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Most likely the other soundcards you mention have their own ALSA drivers, rather than operating in Class Compliant mode, as the BF does.

The downside your your idea of default "stereo" monitoring is that it would turn a stereo source (i.e. any one-point stereo microphone recording) into mono...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Is there any way to improve latency in CC mode?
I have been testing with an iPhone 5s, audiobus, insert reverb and Loopy, and the latency is really noticeable. Sometimes I need to remove and re-insert the reverb to get better results too.
If I set buffer in Audiobus to 128 rather than 256 I get pops and clicks. It seems Loopy's buffer is being added to this latency?
I looked around and didnt find any definitive reports about this.
I'm planning to get an iPad specifically for live looping using voice, guitar and percussion so it needs to be tight!
Would another interface be able to operate with an iPad using optimised drivers? That might be another option for me..

185 (edited by Be.0 2016-02-27 20:36:34)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

RME Support wrote:

Most likely the other soundcards you mention have their own ALSA drivers, rather than operating in Class Compliant mode, as the BF does.

No, most don't have special ALSA drivers to switch direct monitoring between mono and stereo modes. They either only route mono inputs to both sides of the stereo outputs for direct monitoring (Presonus Audiobox series) or have a physical switch on the sound card to toggle between mono and stereo direct monitoring (Focusrite Scarlett 2i4, Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6, Roland Quad Capture, M-Audio FastTrack Pro, Digidesign M-Box 2).

A switch on the device like many other sound cards have could be simple to operate on the Babyface Pro. When the Mix button is selected to adjust the direct monitor mix level, pushing the Set button could be used to toggle the selected input between mono and stereo direct monitoring, with the state of the switch indicated by the LED on the Set button. As it is currently, the Set button doesn't do anything while Mix is active. Implementing this wouldn't make operation any more complicated for those who are satisfied for how it is now since it wouldn't be necessary to push the Set button.

RME Support wrote:

The downside your your idea of default "stereo" monitoring is that it would turn a stereo source (i.e. any one-point stereo microphone recording) into mono...

Ah yes, you are correct. I realized that soon after I made my last post. However, mono microphones are more common than stereo microphones. If it has to be one way or the other, I think it would make more sense to accommodate mono microphones. But I think using the Set button to switch between stereo & mono as described above would be the best solution.

I appreciate that you are willing to listen and consider what I am saying. What do you think about making use of the otherwise unused Set button in Mix mode for this purpose?

186 (edited by Be.0 2016-02-20 01:58:07)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

yan.white wrote:

Is there any way to improve latency in CC mode?
I have been testing with an iPhone 5s, audiobus, insert reverb and Loopy, and the latency is really noticeable. Sometimes I need to remove and re-insert the reverb to get better results too.
If I set buffer in Audiobus to 128 rather than 256 I get pops and clicks. It seems Loopy's buffer is being added to this latency?
I looked around and didnt find any definitive reports about this.
I'm planning to get an iPad specifically for live looping using voice, guitar and percussion so it needs to be tight!
Would another interface be able to operate with an iPad using optimised drivers? That might be another option for me..

I am guessing the bottleneck here is the iPad's CPU. I don't know if very low latency audio would be possible with any sound card on it. I could be wrong though.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Be.0 wrote:

Also, the manual specifically says that an intended use of stand alone mode is to use the Babyface as a stand alone preamp. This shouldn't require plugging the Babyface Pro into another device to hear it on both sides of a stereo system.

It's news to me that these come with a mixer inside. A mic preamp is a straight channel-to-channel amplifier, exactly what the BF Pro delivers right now.

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Latency on iOS can be low, but the app needs to support that, and not many do. And like on any other OS, rerouting calls for multiple buffers = multiple latency times.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I have two question regarding the usage of both a Fireface UCX and a Babyface Pro on the same computer:
1) If I'm currently using the UCX and then also plugin the Babyface Pro, I assume that it would just "appear" in Total Mix FX and I could toggle between the two units by using the dropdown menu at the top right?!?
2) Is it possible to use both interfaces with the same ASIO driver at the same time to get more I/Os in your DAW?
Thanks for yor support!


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

1. Yes.
2. Yes. UCX via ADAT I/O to the Babyface, handling everything from the BF Pro. Clocking for sync is needed anyway.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

2. Yes. UCX via ADAT I/O to the Babyface, handling everything from the BF Pro. Clocking for sync is needed anyway.

Thanks, Matthias! Please correct me if I'm wrong but in the setup you're describing you would you use the BX Pro as an AD/DA converter for the UCX, right? I'm looking for the abilitity to use all of the I/Os of both UCX and BF Pro independently in my DAW.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

You can do it that way as well.

Matthias Carstens

193 (edited by Be.0 2016-02-24 03:46:12)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:
Be.0 wrote:

Also, the manual specifically says that an intended use of stand alone mode is to use the Babyface as a stand alone preamp. This shouldn't require plugging the Babyface Pro into another device to hear it on both sides of a stereo system.

It's news to me that these come with a mixer inside. A mic preamp is a straight channel-to-channel amplifier, exactly what the BF Pro delivers right now.

You're right, but routing mono microphones to both sides of a stereo output in stand-alone mode is not my main issue; that would merely be a nice extra feature. My main concern is being able to do this when using my Babyface Pro as a sound card with my computer running GNU/Linux, which is important for both live performance and recording. This doesn't require any special drivers or computer-side software, just making use of an unused physical button on the unit. I recognize that the way I originally suggested implementing this by controlling panning of the direct monitor from the unit could make the controls on the unit overcomplicated. All that I am asking for is a simple binary switch to toggle between routing inputs to one side or both sides of stereo outputs. If this is done with the Set button, it wouldn't interfere with existing workflows or capabilities of the Babyface Pro because this button currently has no function in Mix mode. Do you see any downsides to implementing this? I think it could also be beneficial for those who can use TotalMix FX because configuring this when setting up wouldn't require navigating around the computer or taking focus away from the music program running on the computer to switch to TotalMix FX.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Is it okay to leave my BF Pro on 24/7? I never turn off my computer.

Many thanks.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Your computer suffers many more times from this than the BF Pro...

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


May anyone of the Babyface-Developers tell me how the Volume-Controls for the Main Outputs are designed?
Are they digitally controlled? Which might be logical due to Total-Mix?
If so, digitally controlled Volume reduction usually leads to Bit-Depth reduction.

Is it recommended to keep Babyfaces Main Output Levels at 0 db and reduce the Volume for Monitoring afterwards (Analog Device, etc.) to keep the full 24 Bit Dynamic Range?

I try to find any Information of that matter in your specified Documents, but i can´t.
Would be great if you can say something about that...

Thanks for your support,
Greetings from Thailand...


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

If I drive my headphone outputs to near max levels, the BF Pro stops working. I get a "Audio device was disconnected" message. This doesnt seem to be happening when I drive the mains very loud.

Does this have to do with inadequate power being delivered from the USB? (So I will need the external power?)


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Correct. You might also try a different USB output on your computer first.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

The AD converter has less noise and distortion and the impedance has been changed from 470 kOhm to 1M. But I highly doubt you would notice any difference in real world usage.


the manual ("deutsches Handbuch") of the Babyface Pro says "Eingangsimpedanz 470 kOhm" on page 74.

Maybe a "Druckfehler"? (sorry for denglisch^^)

I was looking for a new unit and i had to decide between Bayface Pro, UCX or 802. So i looked at the specs.
I finally ordered a 802, the specs here were 1 mOhm for Instr Input.

Greetz, Mike


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Yes, that was changed and the manual still has the old value.

Matthias Carstens