Topic: Wordclock and SMUX2 MADI question

I could use a little help configuring a 96kHZ sytem that uses both separate Wordclock and embedded MADI to the expresscard to a MACBOOK PRO. First off, does RME recommend or disrecommend running in SMUX2 (legacy) mode or "High Speed" frame mode, I'm unclear as to whether it makes any difference to your unique sync protocol or not.
I am using an SSL Alpha Link AX as a Master to the expresscard as well as a Soundscape SS32 (via wordclock BNC).
I'm unclear whether I will be able to output Wordclock rather than Frameclock to the BNC and non-SMUX2 96kkHz to the embedded MADI simultaneously. This is something to take up with SSL obviously but I'd like to hear RME's postion on whether or not it matters quality-wise if the Madi-Face sees SMUX2 or not.
I'm definitely at the point where a little knowledge is a dangerous thing!


Re: Wordclock and SMUX2 MADI question

Matthias Carstens

Re: Wordclock and SMUX2 MADI question

Thanks, I have read that post and it was helpful in sorting out the SSL/Alpha Link side of the equation. I still have the question regarding RME's (unique) SteadyClock when using embedded clock in MADI:

Is there an advantage to using High Speed FrameClock mode vs Legacy/Smux as far as RME is concerned?


Re: Wordclock and SMUX2 MADI question

No difference.

Matthias Carstens